Cargo hold
In Pommern's cargo hold you experience the ship's dimensions, but also get an understanding of the ship’s and the crew’s vulnerability on the vast oceans.

When Pommern sailed across the oceans to Australia the crew experienced many kinds of weather, ranging from tropical heat with slow-moving waves to violent hurricanes with metre-high seas crashing over deck. In the face of nature’s powers all members of the ship’s company were equal.
In Pommern’s cargo hold you get to experience calm seas and violent storms through a unique audio-visual show. The show is played with 15-minute intervals (00, 15, 30, 45) and lasts five minutes.
The show contains flickering lights and loud sounds.
"Through storm and doldrums"
Light: Kimmo Karjunen
Sound: Tuomas Fränti
You know, there was such a roaring inferno that when I was flat on my stomach five meters from the First Mate, I could see his mouth opening and closing, forming words, but I couldn’t hear a thing.
Johan Strömberg, deckhand on his first voyage